Important Toothbrush Care Tips

Toothbrush Care DON’Ts

Don’t Store Your Toothbrush In A Closed, Dark Space

A moist, enclosed environment (like a container or cupboard) is not a good place to keep your toothbrush. Bacteria thrive in dark, wet conditions without circulation.

Don’t Share Your Toothbrush (Gross)

When you share your toothbrush you share bacteria, including bacteria that can cause dental decay and periodontal disease.

Don’t Keep Your Toothbrush Near The Toilet

Put your toothbrush as far away from the toilet as possible—at least six feet is a good rule of thumb. Because of “airborne particles”, always flush with the lid down. Enough said.


Toothbrush Care DOs

Replace Your Toothbrush

Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months, or when the bristles get frayed. This not only ensures that it cleans your teeth better, but it eliminates the bacteria buildup issue. If you’ve been sick or are recovering from a cold, consider changing your toothbrush.

Rinse Your Toothbrush After Using It

Thoroughly rinse your toothbrush with water after each use. Rinsing it washes out debris and bacteria left behind. You can also deep clean it by swishing it around in mouthwash.

Keep Your Toothbrush Dry

Store your toothbrush upright in the open air. This allows it to dry out and not develop mold.